Traveller's tales...I'm a kiwi lad working my way around the world visiting family, making new friends and gazing at old stuff and wild stuff. I'm a writer, so I'm writing about it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

To the mountains

I originally planned to 'city-hop' from Prague to Budapest, to Sofia, to Athens or Salonica, but after living for two months in Konigstein, it felt almost painful to rush through language groups, alphabets and especially landscapes like that. I'm also somewhat overwhelmed by the mass of tourists (and tourist prices) in Prague. So I did what any good Golden Bayite would do, and headed for the hills.

First I head to the hills north of Prague...

Then next, to some bigger hills, actually the Western Tatra mountains, a tight cluster of granite peaks around 2000 m high that lie about 12 hours by train and clunky bus away from Prague, on the Slovakia-Poland border. They are gorgeous.

It's the first time I've shared a park with bears. and the excitement is enlivening, especially as it is spiced up with signs in Polish. I understand the picture of the bear. That's all.

I stay in a 'shelter' (more like a hostel) in the Chochowolska valley. The building is made seemingly of boulders and Polish enthusiasm. Like the Norwegians, they seem to love the outdoors On the Friday and Monday, I am practically alone, but during the weekend the hills are peppered with gung-ho Poles racing up peaks.

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